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Inter-Tribal Cannabis Commission

Regulatory Compliance & Industry Integrity

May 2024 ITCC Industry Bulletin

ITCC Administrative Division

ITCC.AGENCY is now live!

The ITCC's new website is now live and ITCC regulated facilities should start utilizing the site at this time. The new site has been optimized for faster form loading and easier access to the forms you need to stay compliant. Facility managers and operators are encouraged to create a folder in the bookmarks section and start saving links to commonly used forms. The website is currently optimized for use on a desktop or laptop computer and mobile device adaptivity will be completed in the near future.


metrc implementation- dealing with overlap

ITCC is tasked with monitoring compliance, which includes remote audits of a facility's records. Currently, some facilities are in a unique situation where they are starting to use more of the features within the metrc Tribal Nations seed-to-sale tracking system. Individuals tasked with compliance reporting may discover there is overlap between the ITCC platform and the metrc Tribal Nations platform.

One example is the "Trip Manifest" form previously found on the ITCC website that was one of two required components of product movement compliance. The other component being the transfer request form. Facilities that are using metrc Tribal Nations trip manifest function do NOT need to submit an additional trip manifest form on the ITCC website. The same can be said for transfers. Facilities using the metrc Tribal Nations platform to record their transfers do NOT need to submit a transfer request to the ITCC.

If you have questions about an area of compliance that may appear to have overlap, please contact the ITCC for more clarity.


metrc Learn- Training

ITCC has been made aware that users of the Metrc Learn training program have run into issues logging into the system. If your credentials do not work when you attempt to log in, please use the password reset option to regain access. If you continue to have problems accessing the system please contact metrc support for more information.


MEA ID Card Expiration Date Corrections

After reviewing records of MEA ID cards issued during 2024, ITCC discovered that some cards were issued with incorrect expiration dates due to the adoption of the TCCR, which extended the duration of the card from one (1) to two (2) years.

If you believe your card was issued in error please contact the ITCC. If your card is verified by the ITCC as having been issued following the adoption of the TCCR by your tribe, a new card will be issued to you upon request at no charge.


Production Facility- Processing Jobs, Coming Soon!

Metrc, in conjunction with the Nevada CCB and the ITCC, is announcing new functionality relating to the change in the production batch process. The updated process leverages the newly created processing job workflow. This functionality replaces the production batch process.

The processing job functionality allows for multiple packages to be created at different times from the same inputs. The ability to create a production batch outside of the processing job will be removed once the processing job functionality is enabled.

A detailed description of these enhancements will be provided in the following weeks.


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