Inter-Tribal Cannabis Commission

Regulatory Compliance & Industry Integrity
Common Purchasing Questions
If I purchase marijuana at a State dispensary, can I buy more at a Tribal dispensary?
Yes, but only within the allowable amount.
If I purchase marijuana at a Tribal store can I leave the reservation with it?
Yes, you can take marijuana purchased at a tribal dispensary anywhere within the state of Nevada allowed by state law.
Can I buy medical marijuana at Tribal dispensaries?
Yes, you can buy medical marijuana at most tribal dispensaries.
See a list of TMED approved Medical Marijuana Dispensaries - Here
Is marijuana from a tribal dispensary tested like marijuana from a state licensed dispensary?
Yes, marijuana testing standards are the same throughout Nevada. Do not buy marijuana that does not have the appropriate labeling required by law.
Do I have to be a member of a Tribe to purchase marijuana at a tribal dispensary?
No, anyone over the age of 21 can purchase marijuana at a tribal dispensary.
What do identification to I need to purchase marijuana at a Tribal owned dispensary?
You will need your drivers license or a state or Federal issued identification card. Medical and ID cards from other Tribes are also accepted.
Do I have to pay the same taxes at a Tribal dispensary?
Yes, state taxes and Tribal taxes are similar if not the same. However, the taxes collected at Tribal dispensaries go directly to Tribal community improvement programs, and to the Tribe that operates the dispensary. Taxes collected by the Tribal owned dispensaries also fund the Tribal Marijuana Enforcement Division, a nonprofit third-party regulatory agency that ensures compliance between Tribal marijuana programs and state authorized marijuana programs.
Are all of the marijuana laws the same between the state and the Tribes?
No, but they are similar. You should familiarize yourself with both sets of laws if you intend on traveling from Tribal to state lands and vice versa. The allowable amounts for personal possession on state and Tribal lands is the same.
For Businesses
What Tribal Medical Marijuana Cards are Recognized for Reciprocity?
The Current Tribes with Medical Marijuana Cards that are recognized by the State of Nevada are the:
Ely Shoshone Tribe
Yerington Paiute Tribe
Winnemucca Indian Colony
Walker River Paiute Tribe
Lovelock Paiute Tribe
Timbisha Shoshone Tribe
How do I apply for an Occupational License?
TMED Occupational Licensing-
The TMED Occupational License allows the holder to work within TMED licensed Marijuana facilities or for vendors that provide services to TMED Medical and potential Retail Marijuana business licensees. There are two types of TMED Occupational Licenses:
Key Employee: Necessary for employees that make operational or management decisions that directly impact the business. An example of such an employee is a master grower that determines what or how much of a particular strain to produce. (Application fee may vary depending upon applicable Tribal Authority)
Support Employee: Necessary for employees that work in the business but do not make operational decisions. An example of such an employee would be a budtender – the majority of occupational license holders are in this category. (Application fee may vary depending upon applicable Tribal Authority)
Both license types are good for a set time limit that will be determined by the applicable Tribal Authority from the date on which the license badge is issued.
All applicants for a new occupational license must come into a TMED office to submit their application, have their fingerprints taken and pose for a photo that will be placed on their occupational license badge.
Be aware that by applying for an occupational license you have agreed that if your application is approved, you will keep the TMED informed of any change of your home address or other contact information.
How do I Register My Caregiver Cultivation?
Caregiver Cultivation Registration- (Cultivation Laws vary based on location, please check local tribal code for your area)
All applicable Tribal statutes require that all Medical Marijuana Cultivating and Transporting Caregivers register the location of their Medical Marijuana Cultivation with the Tribal Marijuana Enforcement Division.
Cultivating Caregivers must register
the location of each cultivation operation; and
the registration number of each patient for whom they cultivate Medical Marijuana; and
any extended plant count numbers and their corresponding patient registry numbers (an extended plant count is any number greater than six (6))
Transporting Caregivers must register
the registration number of each home-bound patient for whom they transport Medical Marijuana; and
the total number of plants and ounces that the Caregiver is authorized to transport; and
if applicable, the location of each patient’s registered Medical Marijuana Center or Caregiver cultivation
How Do I Verify the Status of a MED Licensee?
You can find TMED certified locations HERE
How Do I Find a List of Licensed Medical or Retail Marijuana Businesses?
You can find a store by clicking HERE
2023 ITCC Rulemaking-
Permanent Rulemaking Notice:
The Division will file a permanent rulemaking notice with the applicable Tribal Authority. Draft rules will be included in future notices, along with a form for interested individuals to submit written comments.
Public Hearings:
The applicable Tribal Authority will hold formal, public hearings regarding the permanent rules for these topics. Tribal members may testify and all testimony will be considered part of the formal record. The date and location of the hearings will be reflected in the Permanent Rulemaking Notice.
The Division will file a permanent rulemaking notice with the applicable Tribal Authorities. Draft rules will be included in the notices, along with a form for interested individuals to submit written comments with suggestions on the draft rules.
Marijuana Tax Data
Here you can find public information about state marijuana tax data and information.
Federal Worker Protection Standards
If you are a commercial Cannabis producer, are you aware of the requirements of the Federal Pesticide Worker Protection Standard (WPS)? This includes many specific requirements that producers of any agriculture commodity (including Cannabis) must comply with if they have people working in an area where plants have been treated with pesticides or who mix or apply pesticides.
Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS)
Esta página web está disponible en español
EPA's Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS) is aimed at reducing the risk of pesticide poisoning and injury among agricultural workers and pesticide handlers. The WPS offers occupational protections to over 2 million agricultural workers (people involved in the production of agricultural plants) and pesticide handlers (people who mix, load, or apply crop pesticides) who work at over 600,000 agricultural establishments (farms, forests, nurseries and greenhouses).
On November 2, 2015, EPA revised the WPS to implement more protections for agricultural workers, handlers and their families. The WPS revisions are intended to decrease pesticide exposure incidents among farmworkers and their family members. Fewer incidents means a healthier workforce and avoiding lost wages, medical bills and absences from work and school.
Most of the revised WPS requirements became effective on January 2, 2017. Two requirements went into effect on January 2, 2018:
The requirement for an updated safety poster, and
The requirement for handlers to suspend an application if a person is within the application exclusion zone.
EPA published a Federal Register notice stating the pesticide safety training materials with the expanded content required by the 2015 FIFRA Worker Protection Standard (WPS) are available for use. The training materials with expanded content have been available at the Pesticide Education Resources Collaborative (PERC)Exit and were developed through an EPA cooperative agreement. EPA also approved training materials developed by other organizations, some of which are available on PERC’s website. Updated training materials must be used 180 days after the publication of the notice in the Federal Register.
EPA has initiated a process to consider revisions to certain requirements in the WPS. By the end of FY 2018, EPA expects to publish a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to solicit public input on proposed revisions to the WPS requirements for minimum ages, designated representatives, and application exclusion zones. The compliance dates in the revised WPS published on November 2, 2015, remain in effect; the Agency does not intend to extend them. Read the Federal Register notice. If the changes to the requirements are finalized, safety training materials will be amended to reflect such changes. Until such time, all requirements are in effect.
On this page:
What does the WPS require?
The requirements in the WPS are intended to inform workers and handlers about pesticide safety, provide protections from potential exposure to pesticides, and mitigate exposures that do occur.
Pesticide safety training for workers and handlers.
Access to specific information for workers and handlers, including:
pesticide applications on the establishment;
safety data sheets for pesticides applied on the establishment; and
pesticide safety information (poster) that includes emergency information.
Access to labeling information for pesticide handlers and early-entry workers.
Notify workers about pesticide-treated areas so they can avoid inadvertent exposures.
Information exchange between agricultural employers and commercial pesticide handler employers.
Keep workers and other people out of areas being treated with pesticides.
Keep workers and other people away from pesticide application equipment (out of the application exclusion zones) during applications.
Handlers suspend applications if workers or people are near pesticide application equipment (in the application exclusion zone) during applications.
Keep workers out of areas that are under a restricted-entry interval (REI), with a few narrow exceptions.
Protect early-entry workers who are doing permitted tasks in pesticide-treated areas during an REI, including special instructions and duties related to correct use of personal protective equipment.
Monitor handlers using highly toxic pesticides.
Provide and maintain required personal protective equipment to handlers.
If a respirator is required by a pesticide label, provide the handler with a medical evaluation, fit test and respirator training.
Decontamination supplies including a sufficient supply of water, soap and towels for routine washing and emergency decontamination and eyewash systems for certain handlers.
Emergency assistance by making transportation available to a medical care facility in case of a pesticide injury or poisoning, and providing information about the pesticide(s) to which the person may have been exposed.
Who is covered by the WPS?
The WPS requires owners and employers on agricultural establishments and commercial pesticide handling establishments to protect employees on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses from occupational exposure to agricultural pesticides. The WPS protections cover two types of employees:
Pesticide handlers: those who mix, load, or apply agricultural pesticides; clean or repair pesticide application equipment; or assist with the application of pesticides.
Agricultural workers: those who perform tasks related to growing and harvesting plants on farms or in greenhouses, nurseries, or for More information about who is covered by the WPS and responsibilities of employers.
Where can I find training materials on the WPS?
Pesticide safety training materials with the expanded content required by the 2015 revision to the WPS are available at the Pesticide Education Resources Collaborative.
Additional Information on the WPS